If you don’t know, math is my favorite, and I’ve been thinking a lot about how to support my students this year, whether we end up remote, hybrid or in person.
One thing I know for sure is that our use of math manipulatives is going to look very different. I decided to get a head start and create a printable math manipulative pack. This way we can use them in the classroom (and not worry about sharing supplies), or I can send them to families to support remote learning.
Check them out!

Currently included:
- Base Ten Blocks
- Pattern Blocks
- Coins (U.S. & Canadian)
- Rulers (inches & cms)
- Square inch tiles
- 1-10 Color Rods
- Ten Frames
- Playing Cards
- 1-100/0-99 Chart
- 1-120/0-119 Chart
- Fraction Bars
- Multiplication Chart
- Fraction Bars
- Number Lines
- Number Bonds
- Par/Part/Whole Model
- Blank Clocks

I want teachers to be able to give their students access to meaningful math manipulatives this year, so they’re 100% FREE. Just enter your email below to get them delivered straight to your inbox.
Happy Teaching!

Thank you so much
These are great tools. I remember using them in school many moons ago and they are simple and very easy for kiddos to use. Not technical.
Lots of Thanks ?
thank you for find so easy math for special need students because they help to see so easy color paper for them.
Thank you so much for this packet. I am looking forward to your blog on how to use virtual math manipulatives during zoom lessons if possible!
Thank You!
I am a new teacher working with Special Education students.
This makes it so much easier for the kiddos I work with.
I am so blessed to have recieved this from you. I have made a class set, and it already feels less chaotic. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Great! As an elementary school teacher, I often faced the fact that the children lost their school supplies. Very convenient idea: you can print a set for the whole class and not worry that the children may leave something at home!
thank you so much this should help my students big time
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you so much !
Thank you!
Thank you
Thanks very much !
Thank you very much! Obrigada!
Thank you vey much!
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much. Very helpful and useful.
Thank you very much for your generosity. This free shared printable manipulatives
in mathematics will greatly improve the performance of the learners in the basic mathematical skills. God Bless!
Thank you for making this resource available!
I love the Math tool Kit! I have first graders who will enjoy using these.
Great Resource!
Thank You! I love it!
Thank you soo much. This will make my life easier as I am doing my teaching practicals now. You are a darling
I can’t wait to make math kits for my grandkids. Such a great idea! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 🙂
Thank you very very much👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you! It’s awesome!
Than you so much!
Thank you! From one teacher to another- Thank You!
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
It will help a lot.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you so much for sharing all your hard work.