I have been unpacking my new classroom for the past two weeks, which has been very overwhelming, but also very exciting! I love looking at a new space and seeing nothing but possibility. It’s been physically exhausting, but I’m starting to see progress. While the school is locked, I have been prepping what I can at home (laminating and cutting in from to the T.V. is a favorite August past time!)
While I’ve been focusing most of my efforts on my physical space, I thought it in my best interest to start thinking of WHAT I WILL ACTUALLY DO WITH MY STUDENTS ONCE THEM GET HERE! (probably a good idea!)
Do Unto Otters is a hilarious book about the “Golden Rule” and how manners are a great tool to making and keeping friends. My kids love it, and love coming up examples of how they would like to be treated by others in their classroom community.
The Recess Queen really gets to the power of kindness and friendship… even when the new friend may be the mostly unlikely candidate (i.e. the schoolyard bully). I like how students respond to the character of Mean Jean, and the expectations they can extract from that example. I also love what students are able to extract from Katie Sue’s actions! It’s a definite keeper!
This is such a great post!! I'm currently adding a couple more books to my Amazon cart 😉
Fun In First
Excellent post Jillian. Great read aloud books.
Thanks you so much for this wonderful list of books. I want to add them All to my library. Can’t wait to start reading them.
What a great post and list of books to build a community! Thank you!
One of my absolute favorite start of year read-alouds is Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson. Narrated by a young girl who declines friendship with a new student. Told from the point of view of the student who is acting unkindly and reveals the true consequences of acting thus. No, she doesn’t get her comeuppance. She doesn’t get in trouble with the teacher. Her consequences are, realistically, all internal. To be clear, treating people badly makes you feel bad. Heartbreaking, beautiful.
Such a wonderful book, and thank you for the reminder to pull that one out this year!